Links to Places I Really Like
wherein I present some of my 
favorite pit stops along 
the Information Superhighway

I usually start my morning with
The Daily Beast  .
You'll come for the breaking story but 
stay for the links.
Which of Henry VIII's wives had six fingers on one hand? Which king died from a hot poker up his ass? 
Find out at The Monarchs of Britain.
Issue Three: 
On a scale of one to ten -- one being totally unimportant, ten being metaphysically imperative -- how important is it to watch
The McLaughlin Group every week?
The answer is ten!

photo courtesy of David Pirmann

I didn't need a bike as a kid; 
I rode The Newark City Subway .

If you're a rail fan like me, 
check out Railroad.Net

All the stuff they don't want us to know: 
The National Security Archive.

Find out what's going on with the 
King of All Media: Howard Stern

And fans of the Fab Four will like 
this list of Beatles Links.



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